2014-06-06-Feature Space in Machine Learning.html
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2015-11-22-Least Squares Regression with L1 Penalty.html
2015-11-22-The Class Imbalance Problem in A-B Testing.html
2015-12-29-"Reversing the Python Data Analysis Lens" Video.html
2016-04-17-8 great data blogs to follow.html
2016-10-14-Multi-Armed Bandits.html
2017-01-09-The Binary Problem and The Continuous Problem in A-B testing.html
2017-01-13-Joins in MapReduce Pt. 1 - Implementations in PySpark.html
2017-08-20-A self-describing sequence problem.html
2017-11-12-Generating exponential survival data.html
2017-11-25-How Shopify Merchants Can Measure Retention [x-post from Shopify Engineering Blog].html
2018-04-07-Distribution of the last value in a sum of Uniforms that exceeds 1.html
2018-04-07-Searching through distributed datasets: The Mod-Binary Search.html
2018-06-24-Solving 200 Project Euler Problems.html
2018-06-24-Three Pillars of Data Science.html
2018-09-14-Causal Inference & Heroes of the Storm Win Rates.html
2018-12-25-Poissonization of Multinomials.html
2019-03-12-Everything I need to know about causality, I learned smoking cigarettes.html
2019-05-22-The Delta-Method and Autograd.html
2019-05-23-Bayesian cell counting Pt. 2 - Growth over time.html
2019-05-23-Bayesian cell counting.html
2019-08-06-Counting and interval censoring analysis.html
2019-10-23-Evolution of lifelines over the past few months.html
2019-10-23-Non-parametric survival function prediction.html
2020-04-12-Controlling bacterial growth in fermentation with hurdle technology and survival analysis.html
2020-04-27-Using Statistics to Make Statistics Faster.html
2020-05-28-New sibling blog on food science, fermentation, and statistics: ControlledMold.html
2020-07-17-A real-life mistake I made about penalizer terms.html
2020-07-17-An L½ penalty in Cox Regression.html
2020-07-17-An accelerated lifetime spline model.html
2020-07-17-L₁ Penalty in Cox Regression.html
2020-07-27-Highlights from lifelines v0.25.0.html
2020-08-03-SaaS churn and piecewise regression survival models.html