from IPython.display import Image
Python provides many bindings for machine learning libraries, some specialized for technologies such as neural networks, and others geared towards novice users. For our discussion, we focus on the powerful and popular Scikit-learn module. Scikit-learn is distinguished by its consistent and sensible API, its wealth of machine learning algorithms, its clear documentation, and its readily available datasets that make it easy to follow along with the online documentation. Like Pandas, Scikit-learn relies on Numpy for numerical arrays. Since its release in 2007, Scikit-learn has become the most widely-used, general-purpose, open-source machine learning modules that is popular in both industry and academia. As with all of the Python modules we use, Scikit-learn is available on all the major platforms.
To get started, let's revisit the familiar ground of linear regression using Scikit-learn. First, let's create some data.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pylab import subplots
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
X = np.arange(10) # create some data
Y = X+np.random.randn(10) # linear with noise
We next import and create an instance of the LinearRegression
class from Scikit-learn.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lr=LinearRegression() # create model
Scikit-learn has a wonderfully consistent API. All
Scikit-learn objects use the fit
method to compute model parameters
and the predict
method to evaluate the model. For the
instance, the fit
method computes the
coefficients of the linear fit. This method requires a matrix of
inputs where the rows are the samples and the columns are the
features. The target of the regression are the Y
values, which
must be correspondingly shaped, as in the following,
X,Y = X.reshape((-1,1)), Y.reshape((-1,1)),Y)
Programming Tip.
The negative one in the reshape((-1,1))
call above is for the truly
lazy. Using a negative one tells Numpy to figure out what that
dimension should be given the other dimension and number of array
the coef_
property of the linear regression object shows
the estimated parameters for the fit. The convention is to denote
estimated parameters with a trailing underscore. The model has a
method that computes the $R^2$ value for the regression.
Recall from our statistics chapter (ch:stats:sec:reg) that the
$R^2$ value is an indicator of the quality of the fit and varies
between zero (bad fit) and one (perfect fit).
Now, that we have this fitted, we can evaluate
the fit using the predict
xi = np.linspace(0,10,15) # more points to draw
xi = xi.reshape((-1,1)) # reshape as columns
yp = lr.predict(xi)
The resulting fit is shown in Figure
The Scikit-learn module can easily perform basic linear regression. The circles show the training data and the fitted line is shown in black.
Multilinear Regression. The Scikit-learn module easily extends linear regression to multiple dimensions. For example, for multi-linear regression,
The problem is to find all of the $\alpha$ terms given the training set $\left\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n,y\right\}$. We can create another example data set and see how this works,
X=np.random.randint(20,size=(10,2))[1,3])+1 + np.random.randn(X.shape[0])*20
ym=Y/Y.max() # scale for marker size
_=ax.set_title('Two dimensional regression',fontsize=20)
Scikit-learn can easily perform multi-linear regression. The size of the circles indicate the value of the two-dimensional function of $(X_1,X_2)$.
Figure shows the two dimensional regression example, where the size of the circles is proportional to the targetted $Y$ value. Note that we salted the output with random noise just to keep things interesting. Nonetheless, the interface with Scikit-learn is the same,
[0.42919895 0.70632676]
The coef_
variable now has two terms in it,
corresponding to the two input dimensions. Note that the constant
offset is already built-in and is an option on the LinearRegression
constructor. Figure shows
how the regression performs.,Y)
ypm=yp/yp.max() # scale for marker size
The predicted data is plotted in black. It overlays the training data, indicating a good fit.
Polynomial Regression. We can extend this to include polynomial
regression by using the PolynomialFeatures
in the preprocessing
sub-module. To keep it simple, let's go back to our one-dimensional
example. First, let's create some synthetic data,
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
X = np.arange(10).reshape(-1,1) # create some data
Y = X+X**2+X**3+ np.random.randn(*X.shape)*80
Next, we have to create a transformation
from X
to a polynomial of X
qfit = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2) # quadratic
Xq = qfit.fit_transform(X)
[[ 1. 0. 0.] [ 1. 1. 1.] [ 1. 2. 4.] [ 1. 3. 9.] [ 1. 4. 16.] [ 1. 5. 25.] [ 1. 6. 36.] [ 1. 7. 49.] [ 1. 8. 64.] [ 1. 9. 81.]]
Note there is an automatic constant term in the output $0^{th}$
column where fit_transform
has mapped the single-column input into a set of
columns representing the individual polynomial terms. The middle column has
the linear term, and the last has the quadratic term. With these polynomial
features stacked as columns of Xq
, all we have to do is fit
and predict
again. The following draws a comparison between the linear regression and the
quadratic regression (see Figure),
lr=LinearRegression() # create linear model
qr=LinearRegression() # create quadratic model,Y) # fit linear model,Y) # fit quadratic model
lp = lr.predict(xi)
qp = qr.predict(qfit.fit_transform(xi))
The title shows the $R^2$ score for the linear and quadratic rogressions.
_=ax.plot(xi,lp,'--k',lw=3,label='linear fit')
_=ax.plot(xi,qp,'-k',lw=3,label='quadratic fit')
_=ax.plot(X.flat,Y.flat,'o',color='gray',ms=10,label='training data')
_=ax.set_title('quad R2={:.3}; linear R2={:.3}'.format(lr.score(X,Y),qr.score(Xq,Y)))
This just scratches the surface of Scikit-learn. We will go through
many more examples later, but the main thing is to concentrate on the
usage (i.e., fit
, predict
) which is standardized across all of the
machine learning methods in Scikit-learn.