Presented at Neural Information Processing Systems, 1988, pages 358-366.
This Jupyter Notebook aims to reproduce the type of neural network outlined in this paper and the results of a simulation. The key interesting point of this paper is that the network weights are trained not via backpropagation, but instead by comparing the difference to an input vector after it is recirculated through the network.
The network is comprised of an input ("visible") layer with 4 neurons, fully connected to a hidden layer of 2 neurons, fully connected to the "visible" layer in a closed loop. The network aims to reconstruct the input vector from the hidden layer. The "reconstruction error" is measured:
$$ E = \frac{1}{2} \sum \left[y_i(2) - y_i(0)\right]^2 $$where $y_i(2)$ is the activation value of neuron $i$ in the visible layer at time step 2 and $y_i(0)$ is the initial value of the neuron, equal to the input vector.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%config IPCompleter.use_jedi = False
# Activation function
def sigmoid(X):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-X))
In a production setting, the code below would be packaged into Python classes with methods used for initialization, training, weight updates, and outputing the results, but I kept it simple for a first version. There are probably numerous code optimizations that could be applied that would make it run faster, but at the cost of readability.
# Network parameters
n_visible = 4
n_hidden = 2
bias = 1
# Training parameters
n_epochs = 100
eps = 20
lam = 0.75
# Initialize the random weight matrices. i: visible neurons. j: hidden neurons
W_ji = np.random.random((n_hidden, n_visible + bias))-0.5 # shape: 2x5
W_ij = np.random.random((n_visible, n_hidden + bias))-0.5 # shape: 4x3
# List A will keep track of the visible vectors
A = []
# A batch of 4 input vectors
A_0 = np.array([[1,0,0,0],
# A list to track the batch reconstruction error
Error = []
# Train the network
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs):
# Temporary list to track the reconstructed input vectors
AA = []
# Add up the deltas to the weight matrices
dw_ji = np.zeros(np.shape(W_ji))
dw_ij = np.zeros(np.shape(W_ij))
# Loop over the vectors in the input batch and evolve them
for vec in A[0]:
# TIME 0: capture initial state
I0 = vec # shape: 4x1
# TIME 0 to 1: visible to hidden
y_i_0 = np.insert(vec, 0, 1) # add bias
y_j_1 = sigmoid(, y_i_0)) # (2x5).(5x1) = 2x1
J1 = y_j_1 # shape: 2x1
# TIME 1 to 2: hidden to visible
y_j_1 = np.insert(y_j_1, 0, 1) # add bias
y_i_2 = sigmoid(, y_j_1)) # (4x3).(3x1) = 4x1
I2z = y_i_2 # Save a copy with zero regression
y_i_2 = lam * I0 + (1 - lam) * y_i_2 # regression, shape: 4x1
I2 = y_i_2
# TIME 2 to 3: visible to hidden (second pass)
y_i_2 = np.insert(y_i_2, 0, 1) # add bias
y_j_3 = sigmoid(, y_i_2)) # ()
y_j_3 = lam * J1 + (1 - lam) * y_j_3 # regression, shape: 2x1
J3 = y_j_3
# Collect vectors
# Calculate weight update for W_ij
## TODO: Vectorize these if possible
for i in range(n_visible):
for j in range(n_hidden + bias):
if j == 0:
dw_ij[i,j] += eps * 1.0 * (I0[i] - I2[i]) # eq. 3
dw_ij[i,j] += eps * J1[j-1] * (I0[i] - I2[i]) # eq. 3
# Calculate weight update for W_ji
for i in range(n_visible + bias):
for j in range(n_hidden):
if i == 0:
dw_ji[j,i] += eps * 1.0 * (J1[j] - J3[j]) # eq. 4
dw_ji[j,i] += eps * I2[i-1] * (J1[j] - J3[j]) # eq. 4
# Append new batch
# Update weight matrices
W_ji += dw_ji
W_ij += dw_ij
# Calculate reconstruction error
err = np.sum(0.5*(A[-1] - A[0])**2)
Hinton & McClelland report getting a reconstruction error of better than 0.1 after 48 weight updates on average. I indicate the 0.1 error line on the graph below. My results are consistent with Hinton & McClelland's.
TODO: Run at least several dozen instances of the network and calculate the average number of weight updates needed to score a reconstruction error below 0.1.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_ylabel('Batch Reconstruction Error')
ax.grid(True, alpha=0.2)
ax.axhline(y=0.1, ls='--', color='k', alpha=0.25)
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe0dd84f278>
Here I draw the first 50 batches of vectors. Note that we are using a zero regression ($\lambda = 0$) when saving the final reconstructed image during training, as Hinton & McClelland do in their paper.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=10, ncols=5, figsize=(10,15))
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
ax.imshow(A[i], cmap='gray_r')
ax.set_title('Epoch: {}'.format(i))