In 1769, Leonhard Euler conjectured that for all integers n and k greater than 1, if the sum of n kth powers of positive integers is itself a kth power, then n is greater than or equal to k. For example, this would mean that no sum of a pair of cubes (a3 + b3) can be equal to another cube (c3), but a sum of three cubes can, as in 33 + 43 + 53 = 63.
It took 200 years to disprove the conjecture: in 1966 L. J. Lander and T. R. Parkin published a refreshingly short article giving a counterexample of four fifth-powers that summed to another fifth power. They found it via a program that did an exhaustive search. Can we duplicate their work and find integers greater than 1 such that a5 + b5 + c5 + d5 = e5 ?
An exhaustive O(m4) algorithm woud be to look at all values of a, b, c, d < m and check if a5 + b5 + c5 + d5 is a fifth power. But we can do better: a sum of four numbers is a sum of two pairs of numbers, so we are looking for
pair1 + pair2 = e5 where pair1 = a5 + b5 and pair2 = c5 + d5.
We will define pairs be a dict of {
a5 + b5: (
entries for all a ≤ b < m; for example, for a=2 and b=10, the entry is {100032: (32, 100000)}
Then we can ask for each pair1, and for each e, whether there is a pair2 in the dict
that makes the equation work. There are O(m2) pairs and O(m) values of e, and dict
lookup is O(1), so the whole algorithm is O(m3):
import itertools
def euler(m):
"""Yield tuples (a, b, c, d, e) such that a^5 + b^5 + c^5 + d^5 = e^5,
where all are integers, and 1 < a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ d < e < m."""
powers = [e**5 for e in range(2, m)]
pairs = {sum(pair): pair
for pair in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(powers, 2)}
for pair1 in pairs:
for e5 in powers:
pair2 = e5 - pair1
if pair2 in pairs:
yield fifthroots(pairs[pair1] + pairs[pair2] + (e5,))
def fifthroots(nums):
"Sorted integer fifth roots of a collection of numbers."
return tuple(sorted(int(round(x ** (1/5))) for x in nums))
Let's look for a solution (arbitrarily choosing m=500):
%time next(euler(500))
CPU times: user 1.07 s, sys: 21.4 ms, total: 1.09 s Wall time: 1.11 s
(27, 84, 110, 133, 144)
That was easy, and it turns out this is the same answer that Lander and Parkin got: 275 + 845 + 1105 + 1335 = 1445.
We can keep going, collecting all the solutions up to *m*=1000
%time set(euler(1000))
CPU times: user 1min 53s, sys: 706 ms, total: 1min 54s Wall time: 1min 57s
{(27, 84, 110, 133, 144), (54, 168, 220, 266, 288), (81, 252, 330, 399, 432), (108, 336, 440, 532, 576), (135, 420, 550, 665, 720), (162, 504, 660, 798, 864)}
All the answers are multiples of the first one (this is easiest to see in the middle column: 110, 220, 330, ...). Since 1966 other mathematicians have found other solutions, but all we need is one to disprove Euler's conjecture.