from sympy import symbols
from sympy.core.trace import Tr
from sympy.matrices.matrices import Matrix
from IPython.core.display import display_pretty
from sympy.printing.latex import *
from sympy.physics.quantum.cartesian import *
from sympy.physics.quantum.qubit import *
from sympy.physics.quantum.density import *
%load_ext sympyprinting
#TODO: Add examples of simple qubit usage
q1 = Qubit('10110')
q2 = Qubit('01010')
d = Density( [q1, 0.6], [q2, 0.4] )
# Trace one bit
t = Tr(d,[0])
# Partial trace of 3 qubits
# the 0th bit is the right-most bit
t = Tr(d,[2, 1, 3])
0.4⋅(❘0101⟩, 1) + 0.6⋅(❘1011⟩, 1)
0.4⋅(❘00⟩, 1) + 0.6⋅(❘10⟩, 1)
from sympy import *
q = (1/sqrt(2)) * (Qubit('00') + Qubit('11'))
d = Density ( [q, 1.0] )
t = Tr(d, [0])
0.5⋅(❘0⟩, 1) + 0.5⋅(❘1⟩, 1)