Author: J. R. Johansson (,
The latest version of this IPython notebook lecture is available at
The other notebooks in this lecture series are indexed at
In adiabatic quantum computing, an easy to prepare ground state of a Hamiltonian $H_0$ is prepared, and then the Hamiltonian is gradually transformed into $H_1$, which is constructed in such a way that the groundstate of $H_1$ encodes the solution to a difficult problem. The transformation of $H_0$ to $H_1$ can for example be written on the form
$\displaystyle H(t) = \lambda(t) H_0 + (1 - \lambda(t)) H_1$
where $\lambda(t)$ is a function that goes from goes from $0$ to $1$ when $t$ goes from $0$ to $t_{\rm final}$.
If this gradual tranformation is slow enough (satisfying the adiabicity critera), the evolution of the system will remain in its ground state.
If the Hamiltonian is transformed from $H_0$ to $H_1$ too quickly, the system will get excited from the ground state the adiabatic computing algorithm fails.
In this notebook we explore the dynamics of a spin Hamiltonian that is transformed from a simple Hamiltonian with an easy to prepare ground state, into a random spin Hamiltonian with a complicated ground state.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from qutip import *
from scipy import *
N = 6 # number of spins
M = 20 # number of eigenenergies to plot
# array of spin energy splittings and coupling strengths (random values).
h = 1.0 * 2 * pi * (1 - 2 * rand(N))
Jz = 1.0 * 2 * pi * (1 - 2 * rand(N))
Jx = 1.0 * 2 * pi * (1 - 2 * rand(N))
Jy = 1.0 * 2 * pi * (1 - 2 * rand(N))
# increase taumax to get make the sweep more adiabatic
taumax = 5.0
taulist = np.linspace(0, taumax, 100)
# pre-allocate operators
si = qeye(2)
sx = sigmax()
sy = sigmay()
sz = sigmaz()
sx_list = []
sy_list = []
sz_list = []
for n in range(N):
op_list = []
for m in range(N):
op_list[n] = sx
op_list[n] = sy
op_list[n] = sz
psi_list = [basis(2,0) for n in range(N)]
psi0 = tensor(psi_list)
H0 = 0
for n in range(N):
H0 += - 0.5 * 2.5 * sz_list[n]
# energy splitting terms
H1 = 0
for n in range(N):
H1 += - 0.5 * h[n] * sz_list[n]
H1 = 0
for n in range(N-1):
# interaction terms
H1 += - 0.5 * Jx[n] * sx_list[n] * sx_list[n+1]
H1 += - 0.5 * Jy[n] * sy_list[n] * sy_list[n+1]
H1 += - 0.5 * Jz[n] * sz_list[n] * sz_list[n+1]
# the time-dependent hamiltonian in list-function format
args = {'t_max': max(taulist)}
h_t = [[H0, lambda t, args : (args['t_max']-t)/args['t_max']],
[H1, lambda t, args : t/args['t_max']]]
# callback function for each time-step
evals_mat = np.zeros((len(taulist),M))
P_mat = np.zeros((len(taulist),M))
idx = [0]
def process_rho(tau, psi):
# evaluate the Hamiltonian with gradually switched on interaction
H = qobj_list_evaluate(h_t, tau, args)
# find the M lowest eigenvalues of the system
evals, ekets = H.eigenstates(eigvals=M)
evals_mat[idx[0],:] = real(evals)
# find the overlap between the eigenstates and psi
for n, eket in enumerate(ekets):
P_mat[idx[0],n] = abs((eket.dag().data *[0,0])**2
idx[0] += 1
# Evolve the system, request the solver to call process_rho at each time step.
mesolve(h_t, psi0, taulist, [], process_rho, args)
Odedata object with sesolve data. --------------------------------- states = True, expect = True num_expect = 0, num_collapse = 0
Plot the energy levels and the corresponding occupation probabilities (encoded as the width of each line in the energy-level diagram).
#rc('font', family='serif')
#rc('font', size='10')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12,10))
# plot the energy eigenvalues
# first draw thin lines outlining the energy spectrum
for n in range(len(evals_mat[0,:])):
ls,lw = ('b',1) if n == 0 else ('k', 0.25)
axes[0].plot(taulist/max(taulist), evals_mat[:,n] / (2*pi), ls, lw=lw)
# second, draw line that encode the occupation probability of each state in
# its linewidth. thicker line => high occupation probability.
for idx in range(len(taulist)-1):
for n in range(len(P_mat[0,:])):
lw = 0.5 + 4*P_mat[idx,n]
if lw > 0.55:
axes[0].plot(array([taulist[idx], taulist[idx+1]])/taumax,
array([evals_mat[idx,n], evals_mat[idx+1,n]])/(2*pi),
'r', linewidth=lw)
axes[0].set_title("Energyspectrum (%d lowest values) of a chain of %d spins.\n " % (M,N)
+ "The occupation probabilities are encoded in the red line widths.")
# plot the occupation probabilities for the few lowest eigenstates
for n in range(len(P_mat[0,:])):
if n == 0:
axes[1].plot(taulist/max(taulist), 0 + P_mat[:,n], 'r', linewidth=2)
axes[1].plot(taulist/max(taulist), 0 + P_mat[:,n])
axes[1].set_ylabel('Occupation probability')
axes[1].set_title("Occupation probability of the %d lowest " % M +
"eigenstates for a chain of %d spins" % N)
axes[1].legend(("Ground state",));
from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table
Software | Version |
Python | 3.4.1 (default, Jun 9 2014, 17:34:49) [GCC 4.8.3] |
matplotlib | 1.3.1 |
Cython | 0.20.1post0 |
IPython | 2.0.0 |
Numpy | 1.8.1 |
SciPy | 0.13.3 |
QuTiP | |
OS | posix [linux] |
Thu Jun 26 15:12:57 2014 JST |