#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Regularization # In[1]: from IPython.display import Image Image('../../../python_for_probability_statistics_and_machine_learning.jpg') # We have referred to regularization in earlier sections, but we # want to develop this important idea more fully. Regularization is # the mechanism by which we navigate the bias/variance trade-off. # To get started, let's consider a classic constrained least # squares problem, # # $$ # \begin{aligned} # & \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\text{minimize}} # & & \Vert\mathbf{x}\Vert_2^2 \\ # & \text{subject to:} # & & x_0 + 2 x_1 = 1 # \end{aligned} # $$ # # where $\Vert\mathbf{x}\Vert_2=\sqrt{x_0^2+x_1^2}$ is the # $L_2$ norm. Without the constraint, it would be easy to minimize # the objective function --- just take $\mathbf{x}=0$. Otherwise, # suppose we somehow know that $\Vert\mathbf{x}\Vert_2 --> # #
# #

The solution of the constrained $L_2$ minimization problem is at the point # where the constraint (dark line) intersects the $L_2$ ball (gray circle) # centered at the origin. The point of intersection is indicated by the dark # circle. The two neighboring squares indicate points on the line that are close # to the solution.

# # # # # # # We can obtain the same result using the method of Lagrange # multipliers. We can rewrite the entire $L_2$ minimization problem # as one objective function using the Lagrange multiplier, # $\lambda$, # # $$ # J(x_0,x_1,\lambda) = x_0^2+x_1^2 + \lambda (1-x_0-x_1) # $$ # # and solve this as an ordinary function using calculus. Let's # do this using Sympy. # In[2]: import sympy as S S.var('x:2 l',real=True) J=S.Matrix([x0,x1]).norm()**2 + l*(1-x0-2*x1) sol=S.solve(map(J.diff,[x0,x1,l])) print(sol) # **Programming Tip.** # # Using the `Matrix` object is overkill for this problem but it # does demonstrate how Sympy's matrix machinery works. In this case, # we are using the `norm` method to compute the $L_2$ norm of the # given elements. Using `S.var` defines Sympy variables and injects # them into the global namespace. It is more Pythonic to do # something like `x0 = S.symbols('x0',real=True)` instead but the # other way is quicker, especially for variables with many # dimensions. # # # # The solution defines the exact point where the line is # tangent to the circle in [Figure](#fig:regularization_001). The # Lagrange multiplier has incorporated the constraint into the objective # function. # In[3]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from __future__ import division import numpy as np from numpy import pi, linspace, sqrt from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.pylab import subplots x1 = linspace(-1,1,10) dx=linspace(.7,1.3,3) fline = lambda x:(1-x)/2. fig,ax=subplots() _=ax.plot(dx*1/5,fline(dx*1/5),'s',ms=10,color='gray') _=ax.plot(x1,fline(x1),color='gray',lw=3) _=ax.add_patch(Circle((0,0),1/sqrt(5),alpha=0.3,color='gray')) _=ax.plot(1/5,2/5,'o',color='k',ms=15) _=ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$',fontsize=24) _=ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$',fontsize=24) _=ax.axis((-0.6,0.6,-0.6,0.6)) ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() # There is something subtle and very important about the nature of the solution, # however. Notice that there are other points very close to the solution on the # circle, indicated by the squares in [Figure](#fig:regularization_001). This # closeness could be a good thing, in case it helps us actually find a solution # in the first place, but it may be unhelpful in so far as it creates ambiguity. # Let's hold that thought and try the same problem using the $L_1$ norm instead # of the $L_2$ norm. Recall that # # $$ # \Vert \mathbf{x}\Vert_1 = \sum_{i=1}^d \vert x_i \vert # $$ # # where $d$ is the dimension of the vector $\mathbf{x}$. Thus, we can # reformulate the same problem in the $L_1$ norm as in the following, # # $$ # \begin{aligned} # & \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\text{minimize}} # & & \Vert\mathbf{x}\Vert_1 \\ # & \text{subject to:} # & & x_1 + 2 x_2 = 1 # \end{aligned} # $$ # # It turns out that this problem is somewhat harder to # solve using Sympy, but we have convex optimization modules in Python # that can help. # In[4]: from cvxpy import Variable, Problem, Minimize, norm1, norm2 x=Variable(2,1,name='x') constr=[np.matrix([[1,2]])*x==1] obj=Minimize(norm1(x)) p= Problem(obj,constr) p.solve() print(x.value) # **Programming Tip.** # # The `cvxy` module provides a unified and accessible interface to the powerful # `cvxopt` convex optimization package, as well as other open-source solver # packages. # # # # As shown in [Figure](#fig:regularization_002), the constant-norm # contour in the $L_1$ norm is shaped like a diamond instead of a circle. # Furthermore, the solutions found in each case are different. Geometrically, # this is because inflating the circular $L_2$ reaches out in all directions # whereas the $L_1$ ball creeps out along the principal axes. This effect is # much more pronounced in higher dimensional spaces where $L_1$-balls get more # spikey [^spikey]. Like the $L_2$ case, there are also neighboring points on # the constraint line, but notice that these are not close to the boundary of the # corresponding $L_1$ ball, as they were in the $L_2$ case. This means that # these would be harder to confuse with the optimal solution because they # correspond to a substantially different $L_1$ ball. # # [^spikey]: We discussed the geometry of high dimensional space # when we covered the curse of dimensionality in the # statistics chapter. # # To double-check our earlier $L_2$ result, we can also use the # `cvxpy` module to find the $L_2$ solution as in the following # code, # In[ ]: constr=[np.matrix([[1,2]])*x==1] obj=Minimize(norm2(x)) #L2 norm p= Problem(obj,constr) p.solve() print(x.value) # The only change to the code is the $L_2$ norm and we get # the same solution as before. # # Let's see what happens in higher dimensions for both $L_2$ and # $L_1$ as we move from two dimensions to four dimensions. # In[ ]: x=Variable(4,1,name='x') constr=[np.matrix([[1,2,3,4]])*x==1] obj=Minimize(norm1(x)) p= Problem(obj,constr) p.solve() print(x.value) # And also in the $L_2$ case with the following code, # In[ ]: constr=[np.matrix([[1,2,3,4]])*x==1] obj=Minimize(norm2(x)) p= Problem(obj,constr) p.solve() print(x.value) # Note that the $L_1$ solution has selected out only one # dimension for the solution, as the other components are # effectively zero. This is not so with the $L_2$ solution, which # has meaningful elements in multiple coordinates. This is because # the $L_1$ problem has many pointy corners in the four dimensional # space that poke at the hyperplane that is defined by the # constraint. This essentially means the subsets (namely, the points # at the corners) are found as solutions because these touch the # hyperplane. This effect becomes more pronounced in higher # dimensions, which is the main benefit of using the $L_1$ norm # as we will see in the next section. # In[ ]: from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, RegularPolygon r=RegularPolygon((0,0),4,1/2,pi/2,alpha=0.5,color='gray') fig,ax=subplots() dx = np.array([-0.1,0.1]) _=ax.plot(dx,fline(dx),'s',ms=10,color='gray') _=ax.plot(x1,fline(x1),color='gray',lw=3) _=ax.plot(0,1/2,'o',color='k',ms=15) _=ax.add_patch(r) _=ax.set_xlabel('$x_1$',fontsize=24) _=ax.set_ylabel('$x_2$',fontsize=24) _=ax.axis((-0.6,0.6,-0.6,0.6)) _=ax.set_aspect(1) fig.tight_layout() # # #
# #

The diamond is the $L_1$ ball in two dimensions and the line is the # constraint. The point of intersection is the solution to the optimization # problem. Note that for $L_1$ optimization, the two nearby points on the # constraint (squares) do not touch the $L_1$ ball. Compare this with # [Figure](#fig:regularization_001).

# # # # # # ## Ridge Regression # # Now that we have a sense of the geometry of the situation, let's revisit # our classic linear regression probem. To recap, we want to solve the following # problem, # # $$ # \min_{\boldsymbol{\beta}\in \mathbb{R}^p} \Vert y - # \mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta}\Vert # $$ # # where $\mathbf{X}=\left[ # \mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2,\ldots,\mathbf{x}_p \right]$ and $\mathbf{x}_i\in # \mathbb{R}^n$. Furthermore, we assume that the $p$ column vectors are linearly # independent (i.e., $\texttt{rank}(\mathbf{X})=p$). Linear regression produces # the $\boldsymbol{\beta}$ that minimizes the mean squared error above. In the # case where $p=n$, there is a unique solution to this problem. However, when # $p --> # #
# #

The top figure shows polynomial regression and the lower panel shows # polynomial ridge regression. The ridge regression does not match as well # throughout most of the domain, but it does not flare as violently at the ends. # This is because the ridge constraint holds the coefficient vector down at the # expense of poorer performance along the middle of the domain.

# # # # # # ## Lasso # # Lasso regression follows the same basic pattern as ridge regression, # except with the $L_1$ norm in the objective function. # # $$ # \min_{\boldsymbol{\beta}\in\mathbb{R}^p}\Vert # y-\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta}\Vert^2 +\alpha\Vert\boldsymbol{\beta}\Vert_1 # $$ # # The interface in Scikit-learn is likewise the same. # The following is the same problem as before using lasso # instead of ridge regression, # In[ ]: X = np.matrix([[1,2,3], [3,4,5]]) y = np.matrix([[1,2]]).T from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso lr = Lasso(alpha=1.0,fit_intercept=False) _=lr.fit(X,y) print(lr.coef_) # As before, we can use the optimization tools in Scipy to solve this # also, # In[ ]: from scipy.optimize import fmin obj = 1/4.*(X*beta-y).norm(2)**2 + beta.norm(1)*l f = S.lambdify((b0,b1,b2),obj.subs(l,1.0)) g = lambda x:f(x[0],x[1],x[2]) fmin(g,[0.1,0.2,0.3]) # **Programming Tip.** # # The `fmin` function from Scipy's optimization module uses an # algorithm that does not depend upon derivatives. This is useful # because, unlike the $L_2$ norm, the $L_1$ norm has sharp corners # that make it harder to estimate derivatives. # # # # This result matches the previous one from the # Scikit-learn `Lasso` object. Solving it using Scipy is motivating # and provides a good sanity check, but specialized algorithms are # required in practice. The following code block re-runs the lasso # with varying $\alpha$ and plots the coefficients in # [Figure](#fig:regularization_004). Notice that as $\alpha$ increases, all # but one of the coefficients is driven to zero. Increasing $\alpha$ # makes the trade-off between fitting the data in the $L_2$ sense # and wanting to reduce the number of nonzero coefficients # (equivalently, the number of features used) in the model. For a # given problem, it may be more practical to focus on reducing the # number of features in the model (i.e., large $\alpha$) than the # quality of the data fit in the training data. The lasso provides a # clean way to navigate this trade-off. # # The following code loops over a set of $\alpha$ values and # collects the corresponding lasso coefficients to be plotted # in [Figure](#fig:regularization_004) # In[ ]: o=[] alphas= np.logspace(-3,0,10) for a in alphas: clf = Lasso(alpha=a,fit_intercept=False) _=clf.fit(X,y) o.append(clf.coef_) # In[ ]: fig,ax=subplots() fig.set_size_inches((8,5)) k=np.vstack(o) ls = ['-','--',':','-.'] for i in range(k.shape[1]): _=ax.semilogx(alphas,k[:,i],'o-', label='coef %d'%(i), color='k',ls=ls[i], alpha=.8,) _=ax.axis(ymin=-1e-1) _=ax.legend(loc=0) _=ax.set_xlabel(r'$\alpha$',fontsize=20) _=ax.set_ylabel(r'Lasso coefficients',fontsize=16) fig.tight_layout() # # #
# #

As $\alpha$ increases, more of the model coefficients are driven to zero for # lasso regression.

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