#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Ensemble Learning
# In[1]:
from IPython.display import Image
# In[2]:
from pprint import pprint
import textwrap
import sys, re
def displ(x):
if x is None: return
print ("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(repr(x).replace(' ',''),width=80)))
# With the exception of the random forest, we have so far considered machine
# learning models as stand-alone entities. Combinations of models that jointly
# produce a classification are known as *ensembles*. There are two main
# methodologies that create ensembles: *bagging* and *boosting*.
# ## Bagging
# Bagging refers to bootstrap aggregating, where bootstrap here is the same as we
# discussed in the section [ch:stats:sec:boot](#ch:stats:sec:boot). Basically,
# we resample the data with replacement and then train a classifier on the newly
# sampled data. Then, we combine the outputs of each of the individual
# classifiers using a majority-voting scheme (for discrete outputs) or a weighted
# average (for continuous outputs). This combination is particularly effective
# for models that are easily influenced by a single data element. The resampling
# process means that these elements cannot appear in every bootstrapped
# training set so that some of the models will not suffer these effects. This
# makes the so-computed combination of outputs less volatile. Thus, bagging
# helps reduce the collective variance of individual high-variance models.
# To get a sense of bagging, let's suppose we have a two-dimensional plane that
# is partitioned into two regions with the following boundary: $y=-x+x^2$.
# Pairs of $(x_i,y_i)$ points above this boundary are labeled one and points
# below are labeled zero. [Figure](#fig:ensemble_001) shows the two regions
# with the nonlinear separating boundary as the black curved line.
# Two regions in the plane are separated by a nonlinear boundary. The training
# data is sampled from this plane. The objective is to correctly classify the so-
# sampled data.
# The problem is to take samples from each of these regions and
# classify them correctly using a perceptron. A perceptron is the simplest
# possible linear classifier that finds a line in the plane to separate two
# purported categories. Because the separating boundary is nonlinear, there is no
# way that the perceptron can completely solve this problem. The following code
# sets up the perceptron available in Scikit-learn.
# In[3]:
from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
# The training data and the resulting perceptron separating boundary
# are shown in [Figure](#fig:ensemble_002). The circles and crosses are the
# sampled training data and the gray separating line is the perceptron's
# separating boundary between the two categories. The black squares are those
# elements in the training data that the perceptron mis-classified. Because the
# perceptron can only produce linear separating boundaries, and the boundary in
# this case is non-linear, the perceptron makes mistakes near where the
# boundary curves. The next step is to see how bagging can
# improve upon this by using multiple perceptrons.
# The perceptron finds the best linear boundary between the two classes.
# The following code sets up the bagging classifier in Scikit-learn. Here we
# select only three perceptrons. [Figure](#fig:ensemble_003) shows each of the
# three individual classifiers and the final bagged classifer in the panel on the
# bottom right. As before, the black circles indicate misclassifications in the
# training data. Joint classifications are determined by majority voting.
# In[4]:
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
bp = BaggingClassifier(Perceptron(),max_samples=0.50,n_estimators=3)
# Each panel with the single gray line is one of the perceptrons used for the
# ensemble bagging classifier on the lower right.
# The `BaggingClassifier` can estimate its own out-of-sample error if passed the
# `oob_score=True` flag upon construction. This keeps track of which samples were
# used for training and which were not, and then estimates the out-of-sample
# error using those samples that were unused in training. The `max_samples`
# keyword argument specifies the number of items from the training set to use for
# the base classifier. The smaller the `max_samples` used in the bagging
# classifier, the better the out-of-sample error estimate, but at the cost of
# worse in-sample performance. Of course, this depends on the overall number of
# samples and the degrees-of-freedom in each individual classifier. The
# VC-dimension surfaces again!
# ## Boosting
# As we discussed, bagging is particularly effective for individual high-variance
# classifiers because the final majority-vote tends to smooth out the individual
# classifiers and produce a more stable collaborative solution. On the other
# hand, boosting is particularly effective for high-bias classifiers that are
# slow to adjust to new data. On the one hand, boosting is similiar to bagging in
# that it uses a majority-voting (or averaging for numeric prediction) process at
# the end; and it also combines individual classifiers of the same type. On the
# other hand, boosting is serially iterative, whereas the individual classifiers
# in bagging can be trained in parallel. Boosting uses the misclassifications of
# prior iterations to influence the training of the next iterative classifier by
# weighting those misclassifications more heavily in subsequent steps. This means
# that, at every step, boosting focuses more and more on specific
# misclassifications up to that point, letting the prior classifications
# be carried by earlier iterations.
# The primary implementation for boosting in Scikit-learn is the Adaptive
# Boosting (*AdaBoost*) algorithm, which does classification
# (`AdaBoostClassifier`) and regression (`AdaBoostRegressor`). The first step in
# the basic AdaBoost algorithm is to initialize the weights over each of the
# training set indicies, $D_0(i)=1/n$ where there are $n$ elements in the
# training set. Note that this creates a discrete uniform distribution over the
# *indicies*, not over the training data $\lbrace (x_i,y_i) \rbrace$ itself. In
# other words, if there are repeated elements in the training data, then each
# gets its own weight. The next step is to train the base classifer $h_k$ and
# record the classification error at the $k^{th}$ iteration, $\epsilon_k$. Two
# factors can next be calculated using $\epsilon_k$,
# $$
# \alpha_k = \frac{1}{2}\log \frac{1-\epsilon_k}{\epsilon_k}
# $$
# and the normalization factor,
# $$
# Z_k = 2 \sqrt{ \epsilon_k (1- \epsilon_k) }
# $$
# For the next step, the weights over the training data are updated as
# in the following,
# $$
# D_{k+1}(i) = \frac{1}{Z_k} D_k(i)\exp{(-\alpha_k y_i h_k(x_i))}
# $$
# The final classification result is assembled using the $\alpha_k$
# factors, $g = \sgn(\sum_{k} \alpha_k h_k)$.
# To re-do the problem above using boosting with perceptrons, we set up the
# AdaBoost classifier in the following,
# In[5]:
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
# The `learning_rate` above controls how aggressively the weights are
# updated. The resulting classification boundaries for the embedded perceptrons
# are shown in [Figure](#fig:ensemble_004). Compare this to the lower right
# panel in [Figure](#fig:ensemble_003). The performance for both cases is about
# the same. The IPython notebook corresponding to this section has more details
# and the full listing of code used to produce all these figures.
# The individual perceptron classifiers embedded in the AdaBoost classifier are
# shown along with the mis-classified points (in black). Compare this to the lower
# right panel of [Figure](#fig:ensemble_003).