#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from IPython.display import Image Image('../../Python_probability_statistics_machine_learning_2E.png',width=200) # # Useful Inequalities # # In practice, few quantities can be analytically # calculated. Some knowledge # of bounding inequalities helps find the ballpark for # potential solutions. This # sections discusses three key inequalities that are # important for # probability, statistics, and machine learning. # # ## Markov's # Inequality # # Let $X$ be a non-negative random variable # and suppose that # $\mathbb{E}(X) < \infty$. Then, # for any $t>0$, # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(X>t)\leq \frac{\mathbb{E}(X)}{t} # $$ # # This is a foundational inequality that is # used as a stepping stone to other # inequalities. It is easy # to prove. Because $X>0$, we have the following, # # $$ # \begin{align*} # \mathbb{E}(X)&=\int_0^\infty x f_x(x)dx =\underbrace{\int_0^t # x f_x(x)dx}_{\text{omit this}}+\int_t^\infty x f_x(x)dx \\\ # &\ge\int_t^\infty x f_x(x)dx \ge t\int_t^\infty f_x(x)dx = t \mathbb{P}(X>t) # \end{align*} # $$ # # The step that establishes the inequality is the part where the # $\int_0^t x # f_x(x)dx$ is omitted. For a particular $f_x(x)$ that may be # concentrated around # the $[0,t]$ interval, this could be a lot to throw out. # For that reason, the # Markov Inequality is considered a *loose* inequality, # meaning that there is a # substantial gap between both sides of the inequality. # For example, as shown in # [Figure](#fig:ProbabilityInequalities_001), the # $\chi^2$ distribution has a lot # of its mass on the left, which would be omitted # in the Markov Inequality. # [Figure](#fig:ProbabilityInequalities_002) shows # the two curves established by # the Markov Inequality. The gray shaded region is # the gap between the two terms # and indicates that looseness of the bound # (fatter shaded region) for this case. # # #
# #

The $\chi_1^2$ density has much # of its weight on the left, which is excluded in the establishment of the Markov # Inequality.

# # # # # # # #
# #

The shaded area # shows the region between the curves on either side of the Markov Inequality.

# # # # # # ## Chebyshev's Inequality # # Chebyshev's Inequality drops out # directly from the Markov Inequality. Let # $\mu=\mathbb{E}(X)$ and # $\sigma^2=\mathbb{V}(X)$. Then, we have # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(\vert X-\mu\vert \ge t) \le \frac{\sigma^2}{t^2} # $$ # # Note that if we normalize so that $Z=(X-\mu)/\sigma$, we # have $\mathbb{P}(\vert # Z\vert \ge k) \le 1/k^2$. In particular, # $\mathbb{P}(\vert Z\vert \ge 2) \le # 1/4$. We can illustrate this # inequality using Sympy statistics module, # In[2]: import sympy import sympy.stats as ss t=sympy.symbols('t',real=True) x=ss.ChiSquared('x',1) # To get the left side of the Chebyshev inequality, we # have to write this out as # the following conditional probability, # In[3]: r = ss.P((x-1) > t,x>1)+ss.P(-(x-1) > t,x<1) # We could take the above expression, which is a function of $t$ and # attempt to # compute the integral, but that would take a very long time (the # expression is # very long and complicated, which is why we did not print it out # above). In this # situation, it's better to use the built-in cumulative density # function as in the # following (after some rearrangement of the terms), # In[4]: w=(1-ss.cdf(x)(t+1))+ss.cdf(x)(1-t) # To plot this, we can evaluated at a variety of `t` values by using # the `.subs` # substitution method, but it is more convenient to use the # `lambdify` method to # convert the expression to a function. # In[5]: fw=sympy.lambdify(t,w) # Then, we can evaluate this function using something like # In[6]: [fw(i) for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5]] # to produce the following [Figure](#fig:ProbabilityInequalities_003). # # # #
# #

The # shaded area shows the region between the curves on either side of the Chebyshev # Inequality.

# # # # # # **Programming Tip.** # # Note that we cannot use # vectorized inputs for the `lambdify` function because # it contains embedded # functions that are only available in Sympy. Otherwise, we # could have used # `lambdify(t,fw,numpy)` to specify the corresponding functions # in Numpy to use # for the expression. # # # # ## Hoeffding's Inequality #
# # Hoeffding's Inequality is similar, but less loose, # than Markov's Inequality. # Let $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ be iid observations such that # $\mathbb{E}(X_i)=\mu$ and # $a\le X_i \le b$. Then, for any $\epsilon>0$, we have # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(\vert \overline{X}_n -\mu\vert \ge \epsilon) \le 2 \exp(-2 # n\epsilon^2/(b-a)^2) # $$ # # where $\overline{X}_n = \tfrac{1}{n}\sum_i^n X_i$. Note that we # further assume # that the individual random variables are bounded. # # **Corollary.** If # $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are independent with $\mathbb{P}(a\le X_i\le b)=1$ # and all with # $\mathbb{E}(X_i)=\mu$. Then, we have # # $$ # \vert\overline{X}_n-\mu\vert \le \sqrt{\frac{c}{2 n}\log \frac{2}{\delta}} # $$ # # where $c=(b-a)^2$. We will see this inequality again in the machine # learning # chapter. [Figure](#fig:ProbabilityInequalities_004) shows the Markov # and # Hoeffding bounds for the case of ten identically and uniformly distributed # random variables, $X_i \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1]$. The solid line shows # $\mathbb{P}(\vert \overline{X}_n - 1/2 \vert > \epsilon)$. Note that the # Hoeffding Inequality is tighter than the Markov Inequality and that both of # them # merge when $\epsilon$ gets big enough. # # # #

This shows the Markov and Hoeffding bounds for the case of ten identically # and uniformly distributed random variables.

# # # # ### Proof of Hoeffding's Inequality # # We will need the following lemma to prove # Hoeffding's inequality. # # **Lemma** Let $X$ be a random variable with # $\mathbb{E}(X)=0$ and # $a\le X\le b$. Then, for any $s>0$, we have the following, # # #
# # $$ # \begin{equation} # \mathbb{E}(e^{s X}) \le e^{s^2(b-a)^2/8} # \label{_auto1} \tag{1} # \end{equation} # $$ # # Because $X$ is contained in the closed interval $[a,b]$, we can write it as a # convex # combination of the endpoints of the interval. # # $$ # X = \alpha_1 a + \alpha_2 b # $$ # # where $\alpha_1+\alpha_2=1$. Solving for the $\alpha_i$ terms, we have # # $$ # \begin{align*} # \alpha_1 = & \frac{x-a}{b-a} \\ # \alpha_2 = & # \frac{b-x}{b-a} # \end{align*} # $$ # # From Jensen's inequality, for a convex functions $f$, we know that # # $$ # f\left(\sum \alpha_i x_i\right) \le \sum \alpha_i f(x_i) # $$ # # Given the convexity of $e^X$, we therefore have, # # $$ # e^{s X} \le \alpha_1 e^{s a} + \alpha_2 e^ {s b} # $$ # # With $\mathbb{E}(X)=0$, we can write the expectation of both sides # # $$ # \mathbb{E}(e^{s X}) \le \mathbb{E}(\alpha_1) e^{s a} # +\mathbb{E}(\alpha_2) e^{s b} # $$ # # with $\mathbb{E}(\alpha_1)=\frac{b}{b-a}$ and # $\mathbb{E}(\alpha_2)=\frac{-a}{b-a}$. Thus, we have # # $$ # \mathbb{E}(e^{s X}) \le \frac{b}{b-a} e^{s a} -\frac{a}{b-a} e^{s b} # $$ # # Using $p:=\frac{-a}{b-a}$, we can rewrite the following, # # $$ # \frac{b}{b-a} e^{s a} -\frac{a}{b-a} e^{s b} = (1-p)e^{s a} + p e^{s b} =: # e^{\phi(u)} # $$ # # where # # $$ # \phi(u)=-p u + \log(1-p+p e^{u}) # $$ # # and $u=s(b-a)$. Note that $\phi(0)=\phi'(0)=0$. Also, $\phi''(0) = p(1-p)\le # 1/4$. Thus, # the Taylor expansion of $\phi(u)\approx \frac{u^2}{2}\phi''(t) \le # \frac{u^2}{8}$ for # $t\in [0,u] \blacksquare$. # # To prove Hoeffding's inequality, # we start with Markov's inequality, # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(X\ge\epsilon)\le \frac{\mathbb{E}(X)}{\epsilon} # $$ # # Then, given $s>0$, we have the following, # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(X\ge\epsilon)=\mathbb{P}(e^{s X} \ge e^{s\epsilon}) \le # \frac{\mathbb{E}(e^{s X})}{e^{s \epsilon}} # $$ # # We can write the one-sided Hoeffding inequality as the following, # # $$ # \begin{align*} # \mathbb{P}(\overline{X}_n -\mu\ge\epsilon) & \le # e^{-s\epsilon}\mathbb{E}(\exp(\frac{s}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i-\mathbb{E}(X_i)))) \\ # & = e^{-s\epsilon}\prod_{i=1}^n\mathbb{E}(e^{ \frac{s}{n} (X_i-\mathbb{E}(X_i)) # }) \\ # & \le e^{-s\epsilon}\prod_{i=1}^n e^{\frac{s^2}{n^2}(b-a)^2/8 } \\ # & = e^{-s\epsilon} e^{\frac{s^2}{n}(b-a)^2/8} # \end{align*} # $$ # # Now, we want to pick $s>0$ to minimize this upper bound. Then, with # $s=\frac{4 # n\epsilon}{(b-a)^2}$ # # $$ # \mathbb{P}(\overline{X}_n-\mu\ge\epsilon)\le e^{-\frac{2 # n\epsilon^2}{(b-a)^2}} # $$ # # The other side of the inequality follows similarly to obtain Hoeffding's # inequality $\blacksquare$. # # ## Jensen's Inequality #
# # If $f$ is a convex function with random variable # $v$, then # # $$ # \mathbb{E}(f(v))\ge f(\mathbb{E}(v)) # $$ # # The proof of this is straightforward. Define $L(v) = a v +b $ with # $a,b\in # \mathbb{R}$. Choose $a$ and $b$ so that # $L(\mathbb{E}(v))=f(\mathbb{E}(v))$ # which makes $L$ tangent to $f$ at # $\mathbb{E}(v)$. By the convexity of $f$, we # have $f(v)\ge L(v)$. We can take # the expectation of both sides of this, # # $$ # \begin{align*} # \mathbb{E}(f(v)) \ge & \mathbb{E}(L(v)) \\ # = # & \mathbb{E}(a v+b) \\ # = & a\mathbb{E}(v)+b \\ # = & L(\mathbb{E}(v)) \\ # = & f(\mathbb{E}(v)) # \end{align*} # $$ # # equality holds when $f$ is linear. For a concave function $f$, the # sense of the # inequality is reversed. # # In[ ]: