%pylab inline from sympy import Symbol, fresnels, fresnelc, oo, I, re, im, series, Rational, sin, cos, exp, plot from sympy.plotting import plot, plot_parametric from matplotlib.pyplot import figsize x = Symbol("x") plot(fresnels(x), fresnelc(x), (x, 0, 8)) figsize(8,8) plot_parametric(fresnelc(x), fresnels(x)) ltc = series(fresnelc(x), x, n=2).removeO() lts = series(fresnels(x), x, n=4).removeO() lts, ltc figsize(4,4) plot(fresnels(x), lts, (x, 0, 1)) plot(fresnelc(x), ltc, (x, 0, 1)) # Series expansion at infinity is not implemented yet #ats = series(fresnels(x), x, oo) #atc = series(fresnelc(x), x, oo) # However we can use the well known values ats = Rational(1,2) - cos(pi*x**2/2)/(pi*x) atc = Rational(1,2) + sin(pi*x**2/2)/(pi*x) figsize(4,4) plot(fresnels(x), ats, (x, 6, 8)) plot(fresnelc(x), atc, (x, 6, 8)) Another nice example of a parametric plot alpha = Symbol("alpha") r = 3.0 circ = r*exp(1.0j*alpha) figsize(8,8) plot_parametric(re(fresnelc(circ)), im(fresnelc(circ)), (alpha, 0, 2*pi))