import numpy as np np.random.seed(3) from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') fmri.GenHRF(PATHS).gen_test_data() %matplotlib inline from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rois='rh_LO') mvpa.plot_roi(roi='rh_LO.nii') %matplotlib inline from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rp={'values':'raw', 'method':None, 'visualize':True}, rois='rh_LO', dur=4, offset=0) df, df_fname, loaded = %matplotlib inline from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rp={'values':'raw', 'method':'timecourse', 'force':'all'}, rois='rh_LO', dur=8, offset=0) df, df_fname, loaded = %matplotlib inline from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(style='dark') PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rp={'values':'raw', 'method':None, 'force':'all'}, rois='rh_LO', dur=2, offset=2) ds = mvpa.extract_samples('subj_01', 'main', ['rh_LO.nii', 'rh_LO', '*rh_LO.nii'], values='raw', offset=2) ds = mvpa.detrend(ds) evds = mvpa.ds2evds(ds, dur=2) mvpa.plot_ds(ds) import mvpa2.suite import numpy as np # leave fixation out evds = evds[ != mvpa.fix] # calculate the mean per target per chunk (across trials) run_averager = mvpa2.suite.mean_group_sample(['targets','chunks']) evds_avg = evds.get_mapped(run_averager) numt = len(evds_avg.UT) # calculate mean across conditions per chunk per voxel target_averager = mvpa2.suite.mean_group_sample(['chunks']) mean = evds_avg.get_mapped(target_averager) # subtract the mean chunk-wise evds_avg.samples -= np.repeat(mean, numt, 0) targets = evds_avg.UT # split 1 evds_split1 = evds_avg[:4] run_averager = mvpa2.suite.mean_group_sample(['targets']) evds_split1 = evds_split1.get_mapped(run_averager) # split 2 evds_split2 = evds_avg[4:] run_averager = mvpa2.suite.mean_group_sample(['targets']) evds_split2 = evds_split2.get_mapped(run_averager) result = mvpa2.clfs.distance.one_minus_correlation(evds_split1.samples, evds_split2.samples) / 2 plt.imshow(result, cmap='coolwarm', interpolation='none') plt.colorbar() # plot averages for within-condition and across-conditions within = result.trace() / result.shape[0] across = (np.sum(result) - result.trace()) / (result.size - result.shape[0]) ax = plt.subplot(111), within, label='within'), across, label='across') ax.legend() %matplotlib inline from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rp={'values':'raw', 'method':'corr', 'plot':True}, rois='rh_LO', dur=2, offset=2) df, df_fname, loaded = """ Modified from PyMVPA example and """ import mvpa2.suite import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn %matplotlib inline np.random.seed(3) ############## # Parameters # ############## npoints = 200 xymax = 9 # Absolute max value allowed. Just to assure proper plots ngrid = 101 # grid for evaluting performance # set grid x1 = np.linspace(0, xymax, ngrid) x2 = np.linspace(0, xymax, ngrid) x,y = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) feat_grid = np.array((np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y))) def train_svm(ds, cl= mvpa2.suite.LinearNuSVMC): # define classifier clf = cl(probability=1, enable_ca=['probabilities']) # enable saving of the estimates used for the prediction'estimates') # train with the known points clf.train(ds) # run the predictions on the test values pre = clf.predict(feat_grid.T) # get probabilities from the svm res = np.asarray([(q[1][1] - q[1][0] + 1) / 2 for q in]) # get support vectors supvecs = clf.model.get_sv() return res, supvecs def plot_data(ds, supvecs=None, contour=None): ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') # plot samples ax.plot(ds.samples[ds.targets == 1, 0], ds.samples[ds.targets == 1, 1], '.', color='indianred', label='condition 1') ax.plot(ds.samples[ds.targets == 0, 0], ds.samples[ds.targets == 0, 1], '.', color='steelblue', label='condition 2') # plot support vectors as larger dots if supvecs is not None: feat_pos = ds.samples[ds.targets == 1] feat_neg = ds.samples[ds.targets == 0] pos_test = np.array([f for f in feat_pos if f in supvecs]).T neg_test = np.array([f for f in feat_neg if f in supvecs]).T ax.plot(pos_test[0], pos_test[1], 'o', color='indianred') ax.plot(neg_test[0], neg_test[1], 'o', color='steelblue') # plot probability contour if contour is not None: # plot decision surfaces at few levels to emphasize the topology z = np.asarray(contour).reshape((ngrid, ngrid)) ax.contour(x, y, z, [0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9], linestyles=['dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'], linewidths=1, colors='black', hold=True) ax.set_xlabel('response in voxel 1') ax.set_ylabel('response in voxel 2') ax.legend() ################# # Generate data # ################# dist = 1 # distance between the two distributions def gen_data(dist): feat = mvpa2.suite.pure_multivariate_signal(30, 2) feat = np.random.randn(2, npoints) + dist + xymax / 2. feat = feat.clip(0, xymax) return feat # two categories of samples feat_pos = gen_data(dist) feat_neg = gen_data(-dist) # create the pymvpa dataset from the labeled features pat_pos = mvpa2.suite.dataset_wizard(samples=feat_pos.T, targets=1) pat_neg = mvpa2.suite.dataset_wizard(samples=feat_neg.T, targets=0) ds = mvpa2.suite.vstack((pat_pos, pat_neg)) # plot data plot_data(ds) # train SVM and plot res, supvecs = train_svm(ds) plot_data(ds, supvecs=supvecs, contour=res) %matplotlib inline import numpy as np np.random.seed(3) from psychopy_ext import exp, fmri PATHS = exp.set_paths(fmri_rel='%s') mvpa = fmri.Analysis(PATHS, 2, info={'subjid':'subj_01', 'runtype':'main'}, rp={'values':'raw', 'method':'svm', 'plot':True}, rois='rh_LO', dur=2, offset=2) df, df_fname, loaded = ds = mvpa2.suite.pure_multivariate_signal(npoints, 2) ds.samples += 6 plot_data(ds) res, supvecs = train_svm(ds, cl=mvpa2.suite.RbfNuSVMC) plot_data(ds, supvecs=supvecs, contour=res)