require 'daru/view' Daru::View.plotting_library = :highcharts opts = { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Styling axes' }, yAxis: [{ className: 'highcharts-color-0', title: { text: 'Primary axis' } }, { className: 'highcharts-color-1', opposite: true, title: { text: 'Secondary axis' } }], plotOptions: { column: { borderRadius: 5 } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-color-0 {fill: #7cb5ec;stroke: #7cb5ec;}', '.highcharts-axis.highcharts-color-0 .highcharts-axis-line {stroke: #7cb5ec;}', '.highcharts-color-1 {fill: #90ed7d;stroke: #90ed7d;}', '.highcharts-axis.highcharts-color-1 .highcharts-axis-line {stroke: #90ed7d;}', '.highcharts-yaxis .highcharts-axis-line {stroke-width: 2px;}' ] } series_dt = [{ data: [1, 3, 2, 4] }, { data: [324, 124, 547, 221], yAxis: 1 }] column =, opts, user_opts) column.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, chart_class: 'stock', title: { text: 'Chart border and background by CSS' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-background {fill: #efefef;stroke: #a4edba;stroke-width: 2px;}'] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Chart border and background by CSS' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-button-symbol{fill: #90ed7d;stroke: #90ed7d;}'] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { rangeSelector: { selected: 1 }, chart: { type: 'candlestick' }, title: { text: 'AAPL Stock Price' }, plotOptions: { series: { dataGrouping: "{ units: [ [ 'week', // unit name [1] // allowed multiples ], [ 'month', [1, 2, 3, 4, 6] ] ] }".js_code } } } data = [ [1294617600000,48.40,49.03,48.17,48.92], [1294704000000,49.27,49.28,48.50,48.81], [1294790400000,49.04,49.20,48.86,49.20], [1294876800000,49.31,49.52,49.12,49.38], [1294963200000,49.41,49.78,49.21,49.78], [1295308800000,47.07,49.25,46.57,48.66], [1295395200000,49.76,49.80,48.13,48.41], [1295481600000,48.06,48.33,47.16,47.53], [1295568000000,47.68,47.84,46.66,46.67], [1295827200000,46.70,48.21,46.67,48.21], [1295913600000,48.05,48.78,47.80,48.77], [1296000000000,48.99,49.37,48.79,49.12], [1296086400000,49.11,49.24,48.98,49.03], [1296172800000,49.17,49.20,47.65,48.01], [1296432000000,47.97,48.58,47.76,48.47], [1309478400000,47.99,49.07,47.74,49.04], [1309824000000,49.00,49.98,48.93,49.92], [1309910400000,49.85,50.59,49.53,50.25], [1309996800000,50.67,51.14,50.57,51.03], [1310083200000,50.48,51.43,50.31,51.39], [1310342400000,50.91,51.40,50.40,50.57], [1310428800000,50.50,51.10,49.80,50.54], [1310515200000,51.19,51.43,50.91,51.15], [1310601600000,51.57,51.66,50.91,51.11], [1310688000000,51.60,52.14,51.31,52.13], [1310947200000,52.20,53.52,52.18,53.40], [1311033600000,54.00,54.09,53.33,53.84], [1311120000000,56.59,56.61,55.14,55.27], [1311206400000,55.28,55.72,54.84,55.33], [1311292800000,55.47,56.44,55.39,56.19], [1311552000000,55.76,57.14,55.66,56.93], [1311638400000,57.14,57.79,57.10,57.63], [1311724800000,57.23,57.52,56.02,56.08], [1311811200000,55.95,56.71,55.45,55.97], [1311897600000,55.38,56.45,54.86,55.78], [1417392000000,118.81,119.25,111.27,115.07], [1417478400000,113.50,115.75,112.75,114.63], [1417564800000,115.75,116.35,115.11,115.93], [1417651200000,115.77,117.20,115.29,115.49], [1417737600000,115.99,116.08,114.64,115.00], [1417996800000,114.10,114.65,111.62,112.40], [1418083200000,110.19,114.30,109.35,114.12], [1418169600000,114.41,114.85,111.54,111.95], [1418256000000,112.26,113.80,111.34,111.62], [1418342400000,110.46,111.87,109.58,109.73], [1418601600000,110.70,111.60,106.35,108.22], [1418688000000,106.37,110.16,106.26,106.74], [1418774400000,107.12,109.84,106.82,109.41], [1418860800000,111.87,112.65,110.66,112.65], [1418947200000,112.26,113.24,111.66,111.78], [1419206400000,112.16,113.49,111.97,112.94], [1419292800000,113.23,113.33,112.46,112.54], [1419379200000,112.58,112.71,112.01,112.01], [1419552000000,112.10,114.52,112.01,113.99], [1419811200000,113.79,114.77,113.70,113.91], [1419897600000,113.64,113.92,112.11,112.52], [1419984000000,112.82,113.13,110.21,110.38], [1514851200000,170.16,172.30,169.26,172.26], [1514937600000,172.53,174.55,171.96,172.23], [1515024000000,172.54,173.47,172.08,173.03], [1515110400000,173.44,175.37,173.05,175.00] ] user_opts = { chart_class: 'stock', css: ['.highcharts-candlestick-series .highcharts-point {stroke: #2f7ed8;}', '.highcharts-candlestick-series .highcharts-point-up {stroke: silver;fill: silver;}'] } candle_stick =, opts, user_opts) candle_stick.show_in_iruby opts = { title: { text: 'Pie point CSS' }, chart: { type: 'pie' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, plotOptions: { series: { allowPointSelect: true, keys: ['name', 'y', 'selected', 'sliced'], showInLegend: true } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-point.highcharts-color-2,', '.highcharts-legend-item.highcharts-color-2 .highcharts-point,', '.highcharts-tooltip .highcharts-color-2 {fill: #78a8d1;}', '.highcharts-tooltip.highcharts-color-2,', '.highcharts-data-label-connector.highcharts-color-2 {stroke: #78a8d1;}'] } data = [ ['Apples', 29.9, false], ['Pears', 71.5, false], ['Oranges', 106.4, false], ['Plums', 129.2, false], ['Bananas', 144.0, false], ['Peaches', 176.0, false], ['Prunes', 135.6, true, true], ['Avocados', 148.5, false] ] pie =, opts, user_opts) pie.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Crosshair by CSS' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 }, yAxis: { crosshair: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-crosshair{fill: #90ed7d;stroke: #90ed7d;}'] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'gauge' }, modules: ['highcharts-more'], title: { text: 'Speedometer' }, pane: { startAngle: -150, endAngle: 150, background: [{ className: 'outer-pane', outerRadius: '115%' }, { className: 'middle-pane', outerRadius: '112%' }, { # default background }, { className: 'inner-pane', outerRadius: '105%', innerRadius: '103%' }] }, # the value axis yAxis: { min: 0, max: 200, minorTickInterval: 'auto', minorTickLength: 10, minorTickPosition: 'inside', tickPixelInterval: 30, tickPosition: 'inside', tickLength: 10, labels: { step: 2, rotation: 'auto' }, title: { text: 'km/h' }, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 120, className: 'green-band' }, { from: 120, to: 160, className: 'yellow-band' }, { from: 160, to: 200, className: 'red-band' }] }, plotOptions: { series: { tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' km/h' }, name: 'speed' } } } user_options = { css: ['.outer-pane {fill: #EFEFEF;}', '.middle-pane {stroke-width: 1px;stroke: #AAA;}', '.inner-pane {fill: #DDDDDD;}', '.green-band {fill: #55BF3B;fill-opacity: 1;}', '.yellow-band {fill: #DDDF0D;fill-opacity: 1;}', '.red-band {fill: #DF5353;fill-opacity: 1;}'] } data =[80]) gauge =, opts, user_options) gauge.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'scatter' }, title: { text: 'Styling grid and ticks' }, xAxis: { minorTickInterval: 'auto', startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-xaxis-grid .highcharts-grid-line {stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #d8d8d8;}', '.highcharts-xaxis .highcharts-tick {stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #d8d8d8;}'] } data = [[161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6], [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2], [172.5, 55.2], [170.9, 54.2], [172.9, 62.5], [153.4, 42.0], [160.0, 50.0], [147.2, 49.8], [168.2, 49.2], [175.0, 73.2], [157.0, 47.8], [167.6, 68.8], [159.5, 50.6], [175.0, 82.5], [166.8, 57.2], [176.5, 87.8], [170.2, 72.8], [174.0, 54.5], [173.0, 59.8], [179.9, 67.3], [170.5, 67.8], [160.0, 47.0], [154.4, 46.2], [162.0, 55.0], [176.5, 83.0], [160.0, 54.4], [152.0, 45.8], [162.1, 53.6], [170.0, 73.2], [160.2, 52.1], [161.3, 67.9], [166.4, 56.6], [168.9, 62.3], [163.8, 58.5], [167.6, 54.5], [160.0, 50.2], [161.3, 60.3], [167.6, 58.3], [165.1, 56.2], [160.0, 50.2], [170.0, 72.9], [157.5, 59.8], [167.6, 61.0], [160.7, 69.1], [163.2, 55.9], [152.4, 46.5], [157.5, 54.3], [168.3, 54.8], [180.3, 60.7], [165.5, 60.0], [165.0, 62.0], [164.5, 60.3], [156.0, 52.7], [160.0, 74.3], [163.0, 62.0], [165.7, 73.1], [161.0, 80.0], [162.0, 54.7], [166.0, 53.2], [174.0, 75.7], [172.7, 61.1], [167.6, 55.7], [151.1, 48.7], [164.5, 52.3], [163.5, 50.0], [152.0, 59.3], [169.0, 62.5], [164.0, 55.7], [161.2, 54.8], [155.0, 45.9], [170.0, 70.6], [176.2, 67.2], [170.0, 69.4], [162.5, 58.2], [170.3, 64.8], [164.1, 71.6], [169.5, 52.8], [163.2, 59.8], [154.5, 49.0], [159.8, 50.0], [173.2, 69.2], [170.0, 55.9]] df = { Data1: {|row| row[0]}, Data2: {|row| row[1]} } ) scatter =, opts, user_opts) scatter.show_in_iruby opts = { title: { text: 'Pie point CSS' }, chart: { type: 'pie' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, plotOptions: { series: { allowPointSelect: true, keys: ['name', 'y', 'selected', 'sliced'], showInLegend: true } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-legend-box {fill: black;fill-opacity: 0.3;stroke: black;stroke-width: 1px;}'] } data = [ ['Apples', 29.9, false], ['Pears', 71.5, false], ['Oranges', 106.4, false], ['Plums', 129.2, false], ['Bananas', 144.0, false], ['Peaches', 176.0, false], ['Prunes', 135.6, true, true], ['Avocados', 148.5, false] ] pie =, opts, user_opts) pie.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'pie', width: 500, borderWidth: 2 }, title: { text: 'Legend styled by CSS' }, credits: { enabled: false }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', y: 30, title: { text: 'Male name' } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-legend-box {fill: black;fill-opacity: 0.3;stroke: black;stroke-width: 1px;}', '.highcharts-legend-item text {fill: #e0e0e0;transition: fill 250ms;}', '.highcharts-legend-item:hover text {fill: white;}', '.highcharts-legend-item-hidden * {fill: gray !important;stroke: gray !important;}', '.highcharts-legend-title {fill: white;font-style: italic;}', '.highcharts-legend-navigation {fill: white;}', '.highcharts-legend-nav-active {fill: white;}', '.highcharts-legend-nav-inactive {fill: gray;}'] } series_dt = [{ data: "(function () { var names = 'Ari,Bjartur,Bogi,Bragi,Dánjal,Dávur,Eli,Emil,Fróði,Hákun,Hanus,Hjalti,Ísakur,' + 'Johan,Jóhan,Julian,Kristian,Leon,Levi,Magnus,Martin,Mattias,Mikkjal,Nóa,Óli,Pauli,Petur,Rói,Sveinur,Teitur', arr = []; Highcharts.each(names.split(','), function (name) { arr.push({ name: name, y: Math.round(Math.random() * 100) }); }); return arr; }())".js_code, showInLegend: true }] pie =, opts, user_opts) pie.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'scatter' }, title: { text: 'Styling grid and ticks' }, xAxis: { minorTickInterval: 'auto', startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-minor-grid-line {stroke-dasharray: 2, 2;stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #d8d8d8;}'] } data = [[161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6], [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2], [172.5, 55.2], [170.9, 54.2], [172.9, 62.5], [153.4, 42.0], [160.0, 50.0], [147.2, 49.8], [168.2, 49.2], [175.0, 73.2], [157.0, 47.8], [167.6, 68.8], [159.5, 50.6], [175.0, 82.5], [166.8, 57.2], [176.5, 87.8], [170.2, 72.8], [174.0, 54.5], [173.0, 59.8], [179.9, 67.3], [170.5, 67.8], [160.0, 47.0], [154.4, 46.2], [162.0, 55.0], [176.5, 83.0], [160.0, 54.4], [152.0, 45.8], [162.1, 53.6], [170.0, 73.2], [160.2, 52.1], [161.3, 67.9], [166.4, 56.6], [168.9, 62.3], [163.8, 58.5], [167.6, 54.5], [160.0, 50.2], [161.3, 60.3], [167.6, 58.3], [165.1, 56.2], [160.0, 50.2], [170.0, 72.9], [157.5, 59.8], [167.6, 61.0], [160.7, 69.1], [163.2, 55.9], [152.4, 46.5], [157.5, 54.3], [168.3, 54.8], [180.3, 60.7], [165.5, 60.0], [165.0, 62.0], [164.5, 60.3], [156.0, 52.7], [160.0, 74.3], [163.0, 62.0], [165.7, 73.1], [161.0, 80.0], [162.0, 54.7], [166.0, 53.2], [174.0, 75.7], [172.7, 61.1], [167.6, 55.7], [151.1, 48.7], [164.5, 52.3], [163.5, 50.0], [152.0, 59.3], [169.0, 62.5], [164.0, 55.7], [161.2, 54.8], [155.0, 45.9], [170.0, 70.6], [176.2, 67.2], [170.0, 69.4], [162.5, 58.2], [170.3, 64.8], [164.1, 71.6], [169.5, 52.8], [163.2, 59.8], [154.5, 49.0], [159.8, 50.0], [173.2, 69.2], [170.0, 55.9]] df = { Data1: {|row| row[0]}, Data2: {|row| row[1]} } ) scatter =, opts, user_opts) scatter.show_in_iruby # line with markers and shadow opts = { rangeSelector: { selected: 1 }, title: { text: 'AAPL Stock Price' }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: true, radius: 3 }, shadow: true, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 } } } } user_opts = { chart_class: 'stock', css: ['.highcharts-navigator-handle{fill: #90ed7d;stroke: #90ed7d;}'] } data = [ [1147651200000,67.79], [1147737600000,64.98], [1147824000000,65.26], [1149120000000,62.17], [1149206400000,61.66], [1149465600000,60.00], [1149552000000,59.72], [1157932800000,72.50], [1158019200000,72.63], [1158105600000,74.20], [1158192000000,74.17], [1158278400000,74.10], [1158537600000,73.89], [1170288000000,84.74], [1170374400000,84.75], [1174953600000,95.46], [1175040000000,93.24], [1175126400000,93.75], [1175212800000,92.91], [1180051200000,113.62], [1180396800000,114.35], [1180483200000,118.77], [1180569600000,121.19], ] df = { data1: {|row| row[0]}, data2: {|row| row[1]} } ) line_series_shadow_markers =, opts, user_opts) line_series_shadow_markers.show_in_iruby # line with markers and shadow opts = { rangeSelector: { selected: 1 }, title: { text: 'AAPL Stock Price' }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: true, radius: 3 }, shadow: true, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 } } } } data = [ [1147651200000,67.79], [1147737600000,64.98], [1147824000000,65.26], [1149120000000,62.17], [1149206400000,61.66], [1149465600000,60.00], [1149552000000,59.72], [1157932800000,72.50], [1158019200000,72.63], [1158105600000,74.20], [1158192000000,74.17], [1158278400000,74.10], [1158537600000,73.89], [1170288000000,84.74], [1170374400000,84.75], [1174953600000,95.46], [1175040000000,93.24], [1175126400000,93.75], [1175212800000,92.91], [1180051200000,113.62], [1180396800000,114.35], [1180483200000,118.77], [1180569600000,121.19], ] user_opts = { chart_class: 'stock', css: ['.highcharts-navigator-mask-inside{fill: #90ed7d;stroke: #90ed7d;}', '.highcharts-navigator-outline{stroke: #90ed7d;}'] } df = { data1: {|row| row[0]}, data2: {|row| row[1]} } ) line_series_shadow_markers =, opts, user_opts) line_series_shadow_markers.show_in_iruby # Area chart : negative values opts = { title: { text: 'Monthly temperatures in a random cold place' }, subtitle: { text: 'All series should be blue below zero' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, plotOptions: { series: { className: 'main-color', negativeColor: true } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-point {stroke: white;}', '.main-color .highcharts-graph {stroke: red;}', '.main-color, .main-color .highcharts-point {fill: red;}', '.highcharts-graph.highcharts-negative {stroke: blue;}', '.highcharts-area.highcharts-negative {fill: blue;}', '.highcharts-point.highcharts-negative {fill: blue;}'] } series_dt = [ { name: 'Spline', type: 'spline', data: [-6.4, -5.2, -3.0, 0.2, 2.3, 5.5, 8.4, 8.3, 5.1, 0.9, -1.1, -4.0], pointStart: 'Date.UTC(2010, 0)'.js_code, pointInterval: '31 * 24 * 36e5'.js_code }, { name: 'Area', type: 'area', data: [-6.4, -5.2, -3.0, 0.2, 2.3, 5.5, 8.4, 8.3, 5.1, 0.9, -1.1, -4.0], pointStart: 'Date.UTC(2011, 0)'.js_code, pointInterval: '30 * 24 * 36e5'.js_code }, { name: 'Column', type: 'column', data: [-6.4, -5.2, -3.0, 0.2, 2.3, 5.5, 8.4, 8.3, 5.1, 0.9, -1.1, -4.0], pointStart: 'Date.UTC(2012, 0)'.js_code, pointInterval: '30 * 24 * 36e5'.js_code } ] area_neg =, opts, user_opts) area_neg.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Chart border and background by CSS' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 }, yAxis: { crosshair: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-plot-background {fill: #efffff;}', '.highcharts-plot-border {stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #7cb5ec;}'] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Title styles ...' }, subtitle: { text: '... and subtitle styles' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 }, yAxis: { crosshair: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-title {fill: #434348;font-weight: bold;}', ".highcharts-subtitle {font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;font-style: italic;fill: #7cb5ec;}"] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Title styles ...' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 100, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 70 }, yAxis: { crosshair: true } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-tooltip-box {fill: black;fill-opacity: 0.1;stroke-width: 0;}', '.highcharts-title {fill: #434348;font-weight: bold;}'] } data =[29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]) line =, opts, user_opts) line.show_in_iruby opts = { title: { text: 'Styled color zones' }, yAxis: { min: -10 }, plotOptions: { series: { zones: [{ value: 0, className: 'zone-0' }, { value: 10, className: 'zone-1' }, { className: 'zone-2' }], threshold: -10 } } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-point {stroke: white;}', ' {stroke: #f7a35c;}', ' {fill: #f7a35c;}', ' {fill: #f7a35c;}', ' {stroke: #7cb5ec;}', ' {fill: #7cb5ec;}', ' {fill: #7cb5ec;}', ' {stroke: #90ed7d;}', ' {fill: #90ed7d;}', ' {fill: #90ed7d;}'] } series_dt = [{ type: 'areaspline', data: [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 10, 10, 5, 0, -5] }, { type: 'column', data: [1, 13, 2, -4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 2, -1, 2] }] area_spline =, opts, user_opts) area_spline.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Column chart CSS' } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-plot-background {fill: #efffff;}'] } data_frame = { 'Beer' => ['Kingfisher', 'Snow', 'Bud Light', 'Tiger Beer', 'Budweiser'], 'Gallons sold' => [500, 400, 450, 200, 250] } ) chart =, opts, user_opts) chart.show_in_iruby opts = { chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Column chart CSS' } } user_opts = { css: ['.highcharts-xaxis-grid .highcharts-grid-line {stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #d8d8d8;}', '.highcharts-xaxis .highcharts-tick {stroke-width: 2px;stroke: #d8d8d8;}'] } chart =, opts, user_opts) chart.show_in_iruby